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Our Overall Impact thanks to you


Our overall impact thanks to you


Your involvement in our program is making a big impact in this world. Check out what we’ve achieved so far thanks to members like you supporting causes you care about. Let’s keep the good going!

Lifting our communities

Whether it’s providing clean water through our Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program, supporting education or providing necessities to families in need, our goal is to improve the health and well-being of every community we touch.

days of clean drinking water provided to people in need

days’ worth of detergent for clean clothes for a person in need

ways we’ve helped lift our communities

A voice for equality

From promoting inclusion to building groups on the basis of respect and dignity, our goal is to acknowledge and appreciate the differences that make us all unique.

period products donated to girls in need

ways we’ve helped champion equality

Protecting our planet

From developing plans to reduce, reuse and recycle to supporting other sustainability efforts, our goal is to leave our planet better than we found it.

donations to help support youth enviromental education

baths donated to help clean oil covered birds through International Bird Rescue

doses of medicine provided to sick sea lion pups

ways we’ve helped protect our planet

donations made to previous partners and campaigns.

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