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If you want to protect forests, the best thing you can do is buy brands and products that are FSC-certified

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Want to Protect Forests? Here’s How.

One simple action can have a significant ripple effect on our planet — and future generations. If you want to protect forests, the best thing you can do is buy brands and products that are FSC-certified.

The Forest Stewardship Council is an independent, nonprofit organization with a mission to promote environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically prosperous management of the world's forests. If you look for the FSC label on the forest-based products you buy, you may be surprised to learn that it can be found on all kinds of products, from lumber to furniture and paper to tissues.

We don’t always think about where the products we depend on come from, but if we start now, it could make a world of difference.

Forest Facts

In the U.S., much of our forestland is private. If landowners can’t earn a living from these forests, they will inevitably cut them down for farms, ranches or real estate. While total acreage of forests in the U.S. remains relatively stable, certain parts of the country are seeing declining forest coverage.

FSC does the following:

  • Protects water quality
  • Prohibits deforestation
  • Limits clear-cut size to protect forest ecology
  • Protects rare, threatened and endangered species
  • Protects rare old-growth and other high-conservation-value forests
  • Protects Indigenous Peoples’ rights
  • Restricts the use of highly hazardous chemicals

By creating demand for products from responsibly managed forests, FSC is helping protect forests for future generations. In fact, today, more than 40,000 American family forest owners are FSC-certified.

So when you purchase products with the FSC logo, you are saying to the landowner, “Thank you for taking care of your forest.”

Keeping Forests as Forests

See how FSC and Charmin are partnering to help small private landowners learn more about responsible forestry practices.

Take a tour through a forest where Charmin® toilet paper is sourced and learn about the brand’s commitment to responsible forestry.

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